Danger, fame, and adventure come Ricks way as he stays close to the Chinese Imperial Family. His actions have caused a change in history as we know it.

Coming of age stories don’t have to be all teenage angst, they can be fun-filled adventures that become more serious with age. With humor, we follow a young man’s coming of age in the late 1950s. Starting in the summer before his freshman year it follows him through high school and beyond. He finds wealth as an inventor and fame in Hollywood as he searches for a girlfriend. Wealth and fame prove far easier than girls.

The Thirteenth Book has Rick running into serious problems as he nears full adulthood.

Not all actions result in good outcomes as he learns. While trying to protect the Imperial family his company continues to grow. The new research division makes a breakthrough in placing transistors on silicon chips. Then his new space division takes off.

This tongue in cheek saga is all true, give or take a lie or two.

The Richard Jackson Saga: Book 13 : Regicide

Chapter 1 (partial)

On the first Wednesday of the new year, 1963, I had a call from the White House. The President would like to speak with me. Would I please take the call?

I had received a lot of calls from the White House, but that was the first time the word "Please," was used, and wanting to know if I would take the call. It was usually "Stand by for the President."

"Most certainly."

While I said this, I was puckering up. The Kennedys and my family and I were not on the best of terms. It would be more accurate to say we were on the outs.

"Rick, this is John. I need a favor."

Before, I was tightening up, waiting for a punch. Now, it was getting ready for a car crash.

"What sort of favor?"

"We need your influence in South Vietnam."

"What for?"

"There is a warlord in the Golden Triangle that is getting out of hand. He is close to unifying the whole area. As you may know, this area is where most of the world's heroin comes from. The only thing that has limited their production has been the infighting there. If this guy controls the entire area, the cost of heroin would go down, and our problems would multiply.

"We need to get a SEAL element of four men there quietly and quickly. That is where you come in. If you could have them flown in and get them upcountry, it would be a tremendous help."

"I'll do it. Who is my contact? The CIA?"

"Yes, the CIA for now, but I can see a time when they will be part of a special warfare command. I don't like the idea of the CIA having their own army; they cause enough problems as it is. At this time, I retain approval on all missions. You will be contacted by a SEAL Commander from Team 2 in Little River, Va. In the meantime, could you get things set up with the South Vietnamese?"

"I can, Mister President."

"Rick, I have told my father and Bobby to lay off. This feud between our families is getting us nowhere."

"That is good to hear."

"Knowing that will you put new products in the US."

"No promises. Let's see how things go for a while."

"I will keep a tight rein on them."

"Time will tell."

"You have gotten cynical since I first met you."

"Thank you for the education, Mister President. I will be waiting for a call from the SEALs."

At that, I hung up. Wow, I just hung up on the President of the United States. How many nineteen-year-olds can say that?

The Richard Jackson Saga: Book 13 : Regicide

Cast in Time Book 6 Available in January 2025!

An Engineer finds himself in an Alternate reality, Cornwall, in the year 715 A.D. He awakens in the body of a young Baron. James Fletcher continues on his world conquest. He has realized that nothing short of world domination will allow him to live in peace.

No matter how he expands the new neighbors will covet his goods and lands. Now it is Italy that is being conquered while James is doing a grand tour of all his territories. With heavier than aircraft it is smooth sailing, well almost.

Earl E. (Ed) Nelson

I have always wanted to be an author. I had my first rejection slip in about 1965. Wish I had saved it. For many years the only writing I did was technical as pesky things like three children, nine grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren came along.

My technical writing was in the field of quality in several different journals. I worked in the field of quality for over fifty years, starting as a line inspector and ending up as a Vice-President of Quality and elected a Fellow of the American Society for Quality.

Then a wonderful thing happened. I lost my job and was out of work for almost eight months. To keep from going crazy I wrote. I posted my stories on an online site, and lo and behold people read them and said nice things. Fast forward about eight years and I am retired and writing for the fun of it.

A lot of what is in my stories is based on my life experiences, gasp! Give or take a lie or two that is. The one fortunate thing in my career is that I got to travel worldwide and have been to most of the locations I write about.

In my younger days, I tried hot air ballooning, sky diving, white water rafting, spelunking, and target shooting. I have collected stamps, drove in road rallies, lowly rated by the US Chess federation. I built a Kentucky long rifle and a dueling pistol. I am a licensed HAM radio operator. My hobby is having hobbies.

My true passion is reading. Trapped in a hotel room I would read the telephone book. The TV would not be turned on. I have averaged 200 books a year for the last sixty years. I knew those long flights were good for something.

BTW I was born in the middle of an air raid in England during World War II, the house next door was destroyed and our windows were blown out. That is probably the most interesting thing I have been involved with. Mum never forgave me. Happily married for 56 years I hope my wife doesn’t catch on to what a goof I am.

Amazon Reviews

What readers are saying about this book

The Richard Jackson saga book 13 This series of books has not failed in and it’s attempt to be an entertaining and fun read. As good as any James Bond book ever written.

5 star book review

Amazon Customer

Amazon Review

Rollicking fun continues I LOVE seeing how much the world could have been richer with a Rick in our own reality!. I love this tall tale turned alt. history. It's such zany fun! Can't wait to read more!!

5 star book review


Amazon Review

OMG…. Richard Jackson over the top - How will he outdo himself next? Another great chapter in the Richard Jackson Saga. So glad that made its way to Kindle Unlimited. Young Richard goes commando, launches the computer revolution and re-ignites a space race.

5 star book review


Amazon Review

Another good Richard Jackson story I love this series because the alternative history factor gets me to research what actually happened. Who was the first female test pilot? Who was the first female American in space?

5 star book review

Dan in SA

Amazon Review

Better and better This series continues to entertain. I hope the next book is in the works. The story is so entertaining that it is hard to wait for the next installment.

5 star book review


Amazon Review

Available on Amazon

You can purchase this book and all of Ed Nelsons book series on Amazon.


Other Books by Ed Nelson

  • All
  • Richard Jackson Saga
  • Cast in Time
  • Other
Book cover for Cast in Time - The Baron

Cast in Time

The Baron

Book cover for Cast in Time - Baron of Middle Counties

Cast in Time

Baron of Middle Counties

Book cover for Cast in Time - Count

Cast in Time


Book cover for Cast in Time - Earl

Cast in Time


Book cover for Cast in Time - Earl of the Marches

Cast in Time

Earl of the Marches

Book cover for Cast in Time Book 6 - Duke

Cast in Time


Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - The Beginning

The Richard Jackson Saga

The Beginning

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - School Days

The Richard Jackson Saga

School Days

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Hollywood

The Richard Jackson Saga


Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - In the Movies

The Richard Jackson Saga

In the Movies

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Star to Deckhand

The Richard Jackson Saga

Star to Deckhand

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Surfing Dude

The Richard Jackson Saga

Surfing Dude

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Third Time is a Charm

The Richard Jackson Saga

Third Time is a Charm

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Oxford University

The Richard Jackson Saga

Oxford University

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Cold War

The Richard Jackson Saga

Cold War

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Taking Care of Business

The Richard Jackson Saga

Taking Care of Business

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Interesting Times

The Richard Jackson Saga

Interesting Times

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Escape from Siberia

The Richard Jackson Saga

Escape from Siberia

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - Regicide

The Richard Jackson Saga


Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - What’s Under? Down Under.

The Richard Jackson Saga

What’s Under? Down Under.

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - The Lunar Kingdom

The Richard Jackson Saga

The Lunar Kingdom

Book cover for The Richard Jackson Saga - First Steps

The Richard Jackson Saga

First Steps

Book cover for Ever and Always

Ever and Always

Immortality and the Apocalypse


Frequently Asked Questions for Ed Nelson

  • I had a contracted project finished and had time before the next one started. I had been thinking about a story for several years so decided to give it a try. It worked. I'm retired now so it is a nice hobby and the extra income is nice.

  • I started out as a pantser, writing by the seat of my pants, no plot, no ending just writing. That works on a single novel but not a series. So now I try to plot, only gross outlines. When I get hung up on where to go next the pantser takes over.

  • Plotting! Don't have telephones before you have electricity under control. Well maybe two tin cans and a string.

  • I'm the hero of course. Eveyone else is an archetype. As a hero I'm also a archetype. That makes me a pretty shallow person! Maybe I'm not a hero after all.

  • Involving the reader deeper and deeper into the story until the most outrageous acts are believable.

  • Walk away until the guilt piles up and start writing again.

  • My voice is exactly that. When I type out the words I'm speaking them in my head as though I was telling the story our loud around a campfire. It is how I speak.

  • I'm a voracious reader so many books have influenced me. I can't point to any specific one, but I know that I have picked up elements of storytelling.